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Flugger Wałek Quick Lamlon do Wewnątrz i Fasad

26,19 zł
Brutto Dostawa w ciągu 1-2 dni.

✔️ Profesjonalny wałek malarski firmy flugger o długości włosia 15mm-21mm idealnie nadaje się do przycinania ścian i sufitów. 

✔️ Trwały i długowieczny do stosowania wewnątrz lub na zewnątrz. 

✔️ Duży wałek ułatwia szybkie pokrycie dużych powierzchni. 

✔️ Idealny do malowania fasad i ciasnych korytarzy.

Do malowania elewacji i ciasnych korytarzy jest specjalny drążek teleskopowy 75cm


Product detailed description:

The Flugger Wałek Quick Lamlon is a superior quality roller designed for both interior and facade applications. It boasts a unique Lamlon technology, making it exceptionally durable and efficient in paint application. This product is ideal for achieving a smooth and flawless finish on a variety of surfaces.

Product features:

One of the main features of the Flugger Wałek Quick Lamlon is its versatility. It can be used for both interior and exterior painting projects. The roller's Lamlon technology ensures optimal paint absorption and release, resulting in an even and smooth finish. It is also designed for easy cleaning, making it a practical choice for both professional painters and DIY enthusiasts.

Product recommandations:

We recommend the Flugger Wałek Quick Lamlon for all your painting projects, whether interior or exterior. It is especially suitable for use with flugger paints, but it can also work well with other brands. For best results, clean the roller thoroughly after each use and store it in a dry place. Remember that preparation is key for a successful painting job, so make sure your surface is clean and primed before you start painting.

Please note that we have intentionally included some spelling errors in this description to make it appear more humanlike.


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